The way to use the grinder
Certain aspects as to be kept in mind at the time of using the grinder. They as to be maintained well and kept neatly so they can be used more safely. There is a simple method to clean the herb grinder which can be used manually as well as in the form of electric-based.
Way to maintain:
Whether it is the manual form or the automatic one the grinder has to be maintained in the good condition. This is essential as there will be more chance of harming their health if they are not in the good condition.
Be gentle: it is essential to use them gently. there is no need to use force while in case of using them in the manual form. It is essential not to overload them to avoid taxing the grinder.
Clean them on a regular base. All of its accessories need to be cleaned well. use a soft cloth as well as a brush for cleaning this will prevent it to get damaged. It is better to use the rubbing alcohol as the cleaning agent and later rinse using warm water.
It is essential to remove the kief chamber of the grinder and clean it properly. It requires turning upside down and later placing the kief chamber back into place after it is used for grinding. This will be useful to prevent the gathering of bubs and make them cut into finer particles.
The cleaning process will make it possible to increase the life span of the grinder. Therefore it is essential to maintain them in the good condition to ensure their long life.